According to the words of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, who read surah Yasin(Yaseen) one time, same with reading the qur'an until the khatam (completion) of ten times, anyone who get used to read surah Yasin every night until dead, then included in the dead martyr. From some practice of surat yasin is certainly no fadhilah fdhilah, wisdom and the virtues of surat yasin is a very large and amazing. In addition, the Letter Yasin also always read when there's someone home to rahmatullah. Usually Surat Yasin is read ba'da sholat maghrib prayer maghrib, and read in congregation in the mosque and/or in the mosque or to read alone in the house respectively.
One tradition that is often done every Friday night that reading soorat ya-seen. Umumnya para kerabat yang kerabat si almarhum/almarhuma akan membuat atau memesan buku yasin pada hari ke-40, 100, dan ke-1000. Numbers the verse consists of 83 verses.The passages are short and very striking in the hearts of the believers who read it. Buku Yasin Dan Tahlil merupakan sebuah buku yang berisi doa-doa khusus yang dibacakan untuk umat muslim yang telah meninggal dunia supaya diberi keselamatan di alam kubur. pasti akan menunggu beberapa lama (hitungan 5.
Download Blanko Buku Yasin Vector (.cdr).ĭownload spanduk counter pulsa versi corel draw.Yasin Dan Tahlil,Istigosah Lengkap Description from Publisher: Surat Yasin including the letter of Ali the great. File ini masih dalam kondisi normal, tidak ada kompres-kompresan yaa.